Mixtape Marathon |
![]() "In vacant or in pensive mood..." I am: Bekah; 24; Law Student / Favorite Things: Carbs (so there!), Johnny Damon, Smiling at babies, Grilled cheese, Comfortable silence / Favorite Supreme Court Justice: Brennan / Favorite Wilson: Owen by an inch / Today's Special: Song: Elliott Smith, "Bled White"; Quote: "You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bowstaff." Please love me: mmbekah@yahoo.com ![]() The Innocence Project Vonnegut The Pretentious Partizan Fueled By Ramen Murmurs Hart Surgery FATMOUSE < ? law blogs # > Law School Stuff JD2B Wings & Vodka Ambivalent Imbroglio Life As Is A Mad Tea-Party Sua Sponte Life, Law, Libido The Wee Democracy Veritable Cornucopia Jewish Buddha Notes from the (Legal) Underground The Conglomerate Will Work For Favorable Dicta De Novo ![]() Archives ![]() |
Friday, February 13, 2004
Who Are These People? Law school is a professional school, attended by grownups (or at the very least beings who, if human, would be considered to be of the adult or soon-to-be-adult variety), and yet it never fails that every semester I have a class with someone who believes that he lives in a universe in which it is somehow OK to come 45 minutes late to a 50 minute class. Allow me to propose that such behavior is not OK, and, moreover, that people who engage in such antics are the most obnoxious and reprehensible people ever to walk the earth! [My hyperbolic ire may be due in part to the fact that my parents are professors, but seriously people, sometimes it's best just to stay home.] Thursday, February 12, 2004
Um...Cheery? Um...What? Thanks to Josh for the link! (And thanks to Scott and AI for the congrats on the job--it should make for some interesting future posts). Update: Unsatisfied with (or perhaps just mystified by) my results, I went back and took the ostensibly more accurate 45-Question quizzes (instead of the 18-Question ones I took initially). Interestingly, I'm still Schindler's List, but instead of Mother Teresa, the more accurate reading reveals that I am Gandhi. Eh. As J would say, six of one, half dozen of another. I guess I'll go feed starving orphans now. Update #2: J and I just decided to do a little experiment: we took these two quizzes for each other. J got the same results for me that I got with the most accurate quizzes (Schindler's List and Gandhi). But while, according to J, he is Apocolypse Now and Einstein, according to me he is Platoon and Bill Clinton. That's almost the same, right? Right? Yikes. I think a "you're pretty" is in order... Wednesday, February 11, 2004
"Job": A Four Letter Word No More! Against all odds, I have finally managed to procure employment. Luckily, I have also managed to procure employment that makes me a little bit excited and happy to be getting a legal education: I'm working for a criminal defense attorney with her own practice. I'm starting this Friday, and, if things go well, I will work for her this summer too. It was basically the perfect scenario. I walked in, met her, met the other two attorneys, met her dog (who lives at the firm during the day--sweet!) and got a job then and there. No pesky call-back interview. No stuffy dinner-and-drinks requirement with pantyhose and a painted-on smile. Just a guarantee that I will get paid a little bit of money to do something terribly important and terribly rewarding, and that I will be comfortable while doing it. Not just emotionally comfortable either; I don't even have to wear business casual attire--much less a suit--to work unless I'm going to court. It is as if this woman sat down and said: Criminal defense work? Check. Adorable dog in the office? Check. Jeans whenever? Check. And I retorted with an exuberant, check, check and check! I was once terrified of getting a job, I'm still terrified of having a job (see my pathetic "I want my mommy" routine), and I've been going through a somewhat severe bout of self-doubt, self-loathing and general malaise over the past few days, but I really think this particular job will be a great first step for me. I know that I have to grow up eventually...and now I'm thinking that maybe I can start. Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Search This Goddamn. At the risk of exposing more of my sister's brilliance to the world, possibly at my own expense, I just have to share this email too. Damn. Why won't she stop being so freaking cool? I've been thinking that the Quiznos hair plug hamsters have set a really important precedent. Has the light bulb not gone on? If creepy, psychotic hamsters can increase your readership significantly, think of all of the good name-dropping of which you could take advantage! Exhibit A: Today, I was thinking about that TOXIC girl, BRITNEY. And I realized that I really do like HILLARY DUFF better. I mean, come on! She's so cute and VIRGINal. Unlike that SLUT, CHRISTINA AGUILERA. And I don't like all of this talk about JANET JACKSON'S PASTIE. It's unrefined. Unrefined like NAKED PICTURES OF CELEBRITIES, and unrefined like PARIS HILTON'S SEX TAPE. Okay, now I have to go buy myself that new ATKINS cookbook, and drool over pictures of JOHN EDWARDS while laughing at pictures of HOWARD DEAN. And then I'll worship with Elliot at the alter of GEORGE W. BUSH. Werd to the werd werd! Try to do an internet search without hitting me now, you fools! You silly, silly fools! Um...go here. It's, for lack of a better description...rather good. It is also the origin of the Quizno's creatures, who were known as "spongemonkeys" before their newfound fame. I think they've totally sold out. And yes, I realize that my obsession is getting a little ridiculous. (Many thanks to J and Costa). Read or Die Elliot: Adults who can't read should be shot. J: Or...taught how to read. Elliot: Well, maybe. But if that doesn't work, on with the shooting. We Love the Subs! (Part II) My readership has increased markedly over the past few days due to Google searches for variations of "Quizno's creatures," "Quizno's singing hamster commercials," and "What in the world are those creepy Quizno's creatures?" I am thrilled to know that people who are interested enough in the Quizno's creatures to seek them out on the internet are being directed to my site. Welcome, fellow lovers of hovering hamsters with googly wall eyes. I am wondering: Have any of you discovered what the creatures actually are? Does anyone know if Quizno's sales have skyrocketed since their introduction? Or perhaps, since many people may not be able to appreciate the subtle genius of the creatures, sales have plummeted? Are Quizno's subs, in fact, tasty, crunchy, and warm because they toast them? Do they actually have a pepper bar? Please fill me in on the results of your research. Fighting Words Eric: Where do you go to find out how to spell thesaurus? Me: The dictionary? Eric: Won't that make the other guy jealous? Using the dictionary to inquire about the thesaurus...that's like calling up an ex-girlfriend to ask for her friend's number...I just don't reckon that the two get along...always pressed up against each other on the shelf... Me: Push comes to shove... Eric: Occasionally, you find one or the other on the floor. Accident? Shift in gravity? Slight earth tremor? NO: homicide. Or librocide. Hmmm. Hey...when am I gonna be witty enough to make an appearance in your blog? Me: I'm thinking...maybe...today. |