Mixtape Marathon

"In vacant or in pensive mood..." I am: Bekah; 24; Law Student / Favorite Things: Carbs (so there!), Johnny Damon, Smiling at babies, Grilled cheese, Comfortable silence / Favorite Supreme Court Justice: Brennan / Favorite Wilson: Owen by an inch / Today's Special: Song: Elliott Smith, "Bled White"; Quote: "You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bowstaff." Please love me: mmbekah@yahoo.com

Monday, November 15, 2004
Some hastily written, fake haiku-ish rubbish inspired by the MPRE.

It's unethical
To create an ethics test
That's worse than trench foot.

My mother loves me
Even though I'm just not sure
Where a judge may poop.

If the Model Rules
Are printed right in a book,
Why memorize them?

The guy on my right
Started tapping his pencil.
My brain exploded.

It is funny when
Test questions have no answers;
Wait, no it isn't.